This rigorous course is for students who are serious about doing well on the math portion of the SAT, ACT, and/or PSAT and who are willing to make the commitment of time and effort necessary to achieve that goal. Students will be accepted for the course only if they agree to attend all six sessions and to complete all homework assignments (1 to 1 1/2 hrs. per session). In short, this course is for students who have decided to make their SAT/ACT/PSAT math preparation a top priority. Students will take the math portion of six real SAT, ACT, or PSAT tests (depending on which test or tests they’re preparing for). Tests 1, 4, and 6 will be administered at The Math Center; the others will be done for homework.
After taking so many timed practice tests, the process becomes second nature. Students develop a feel for how to pace themselves, which problems to attempt and which to skip, etc., and this tends to reduce stress during the official test. At The Math Center, in addition to studying the solutions to questions on each practice test, students will review all necessary mathematical content for the tests and will learn the many problem-solving techniques crucial for success on multiple-choice, standardized tests (including the effective use of the TI-83, TI-84, TI-86, TI-89, and TI-Nspire calculators). There are many easy-to-learn strategies that make standardized tests much easier for example, doing problems numerically rather then algebraically. But despite how easy it is to learn these techniques, they don’t come naturally. In part this is because the very techniques that work so well on these multiple-choice math tests (students, in fact, are rewarded for using them) these same techniques are discouraged in regular math classes. With sufficient practice, students can learn these strategies and raise their test scores.
Each student will receive individual attention: advice about how to best approach the test will be tailored to each student’s strengths and weaknesses.
Course Fee:
Full Price: $625
Early Registration: $550 ($75 off) (through May 31st)
Registering with a Friend: $550 ($75 off)
Early Registration with a Friend: $475 ($150 off)
Save an additional $10 by paying with a credit card.